A Helping Hand is Always Needed.
Live-In Caregiver
The Live-in Caregiver Program provides professional caregivers for employment in Canada.
A live-in caregiver is someone who provides continuous, full-time care in a private household of children, the elderly, or the disabled. Live-in-caregivers must live in the employer’s private homes.
There are three main requirements that potential applicants have to meet to qualify under the Live-in Caregiver Program.
The first is successful completion of the equivalent of a Canadian high school education. This requirement helps ensure that participants who apply for permanent residence after two years as a live-in caregiver will be able to succeed in the general labour market. Studies indicate that the majority of new jobs in Canada require at least a high school education.
The second requirement is six months of full-time training or 12 months of full-time paid employment in a field or occupation related to the job you are seeking as a live-in caregiver. The 12 months of full-time employment must include at least six months of continuous employment with one employer and must have been obtained during the three years prior to the submission of your application for the Live-In Caregiver Program. The six months of training could be obtained in a field such as early childhood education, geriatric care, paediatric nursing, or first aid, to name just a few areas.
The third requirement is the ability to speak, read, and understand either English or French to a level that you can function independently in a home setting. For example, you must be able to contact emergency services if required or to understand labels on medication. You will be unsupervised for most of the day and should be able to communicate with people outside the home when required. A good knowledge of English or French will also enable you to understand your rights and obligations.